Win 95 Updates

Microsoft Dial Up Networking

This update will upgrade your DUN Dialer!

The update consists of four files. Two of the files are documentation files and two are update files. In addition to the dialer update, a winsock update is included as well. The original version exhibited memory leaks in some implementations. This is an update you can't do without!

  1. Readme.txt - will walk you through installing the files.
  2. Relnotes.doc - Relnotes.doc is a MS Word document that explains all!
  3. Msdun12.exe - The Dialer update.
  4. Wsockupd.exe - A new and improved winsock!


Click on each of the links above to download the file!


Installing the update was very easy. I downloaded the files into a new folder. A double click of each exe file brought up it's install wizard and ran the install. The winsock update doesn't even ask any questions! I do encourage you to download the readme.txt file and read it before installing.


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